Back in my early twenties, I had gained weight due to retinal detachment surgery on my right eye. (About 25 lbs) This dampened my active lifestyle. Then I had an opportunity to travel to Japan and while there I read a book called, Fit for Life. It was about proper food combining for great digestion. I did this while incorporating an active lifestyle once again. It worked. To complete the make over, I had my hair cut short and was able to maintain this look and weight for over a year back in 1993 / 94.
Now I am going to do the proper food combining once again and eliminate the wheat and dairy products. But most importantly I am going to incorporate deep yogic breathing techniques into my life. The first one I wish to start with is called Furnace. This is the breath that helped Alan Finger lose 100 lbs. You can find his story written about in the book Breathing Space: Twelve Lessons for the Modern Woman. ~ By Katrina Repka and Alan Finger.
Book Links: Amazon USA & Amazon Canada
I suppose in the coming days I ought to post a picture of myself in the present time. 70 lbs overweight. ahhh.... Magical breathing here I come!!!
Love the way this breath is discussed in the book. Alan Finger says a furnace needs continual stoking so it can do its job properly. With this breath, you are burning away all the old addictions. "...the internal blaze should be maintained day and night until the job is done." (pg. 187)
Okay so here I go. 27 deep breaths. I am to aim for four rounds of this. In numerology, 27 equals 9. The number 9 in yogic philosophy is about truth.
To learn more, get the book for the details. I am not able to divulge this information here due to copyright laws. However, I did manage to find a YouTube video with Katrina Repka talking about depression and balancing the left and right side.
So cool...lots to know...
:) Seann
Book Links: Amazon USA & Amazon Canada