Saturday, June 7, 2014

Would you wear white to an outdoor fair?

Recently, my mother reminded me of one of the funniest days ever and as I re-told the story to my husband, I laughed so hard, I could not speak at times. 

It was 30 years ago, at the age of 15 that I ventured to the Minot State Fair (North Dakota, USA) with my parents and brothers to see Alabama in concert. 

Here's the scoop! My mother comes out of her bedroom dressed in an all white summer outfit. White top and white shorts. I immediately told her, "Mom you don't wear white to an outdoor fair." She was miffed with me and told me that she would wear what she wanted. I remember shaking my head in disbelief knowing full well (and at such a young age too) that she was destined to get dirty. 

Little did I know how comically this would all play out and then some!

We do not have a picture of her in the white outfit but here are a couple of shots of what she looked like back then. (Please excuse the quality.These were scanned and they are 30 years old)

Here's the scoop! We travel down to Minot which is about an hour and a half from our home town of Melita. (in Manitoba, Canada) 

Somehow we ended up parking where we had to go down a hill (a short cut if you will) to get to the stage area for the concert. My Mom managed to fall into a duck pond and scraped her hands. This little maneuver drew blood. To top it off, she was now sporting newly received grass stains.

Remember...she is wearing white! All white!

When I told her about recounting this to Glen, she responded in back in an email, "Ha were laughing because you were remembering Everything in"living colour"." That's so true. It felt to me as if it had just happened all over again.

Okay so that is only the first mishap. My Dad was trying to hurry us along so we wouldn't be late and I was with Mom in the washroom facilities assisting her in the clean up. Dad being anxious made her even more frustrated too. 

Finally we get into the concert and we are really enjoying ourselves. We stand up along with countless others to move along to the music. All of sudden, this fellow behind us pokes my Mom in the back and says, "Sit down lady so the rest of us can see!". The look on her face was priceless. Her mouth dropped open in disbelief and her eyes widened really big. She was speechless. (Oh my I go again. I have tears with my laughter recounting this story) 

Last but not least...after the concert my Mom was hungry so she went to get a baked potato. I was with her yet again because she was my entertainment of the day after all. (and I was only 15) As she waited for her potato she sat on the stool only to find that her nice white outfit was sucking up the spilt coffee someone left behind. 

Cheers to the funny, memorable days! Thanks for wearing white Mom! It made it all the more hilarious.